The New Start pathway to employment initiative is targeted at improving individuals chances of employment through for instance:

  • CV Development
  • Help with developing the right kind of interview skills and techniques
  • Completion of job application forms and person specifications
  • Help with finding voluntary work placement.

What you are likely to get from New Start Initiatives

The following are some of the outcomes individuals are likely to get from New Start:

  • Enhanced career prospects through help with CV development
  • Improved interview and job search skills
  • Assistance with finding voluntary work
  • Realization of the need for taking personal responsibilities for making necessary life changes
  • Recognition of life potentials, personal strengths and weaknesses
  • Improved life skills, self-worth and confidence
  • Change of mindset from negative to positive
  • Overall improved better attitude toward life
  • Increased motivation toward making a new start and achieving life goals and life aspirations.

Contact FHIM New Start

Form Filling Service

We offer form filling assistance to vulnerable people, the elderly and those who are unable to read and write.


Training for Housing Jobs

We can enhance your chances of securing employment in the Public Sector Housing section and also with Advice agencies.


Self Development

The New Start Empowerment Workshop is targeted at motivating and influencing an individual to change his or her mindset from negative to positive.


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Alternately you can contact FHIM New Start on +44 2038242452